Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Elephant Toothpaste

Tired of old science experimental design ideas, I went searching the internet and found a really fun page with lots of kitchen experiments that can be used to practice experimental design.

So this week we are going to make Elephant Toothpaste using the directions from this site: Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab.
Check out the site and the responses from the Bicology students this week.

O block Tuesday

First thoughts:Mrs J was crazy and didn't know elephants use toothpaste

Hypothesis:If I zap the yeast, then it will not bubble

Independent Variable:zapped yeast

Dependent Variable:speed of foam produced

Control:normal yeast

Constants:Amount of soap,peroxide,and yeast

Conclusion:The microwave yeast went slower

Final Thoughts


First thoughts: Pretty cool (Heather) I didn't know what to think. (RJ)

Hypothesis: If I cook (burn when Mrs. J does it) the yeast, then the process is slowed down and not as much foam is made.

IV: Cooked yeast

DV: Speed and amount of foam

Control: Natural yeast (no cooking)

Constants: Amount and type of soap, Amount of yeast, and Amount of hydrogen peroxide

Conclusion: Heat slows down the enzyme and reduces the reaction.

Final Thoughts: More fun than regular zero block.

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